The Joseph V. Braddock Award
The Joseph V. Braddock Award was established as an honorary award of the U.S. Army for members of and consultants to the ASB. This award is intended to annually recognize an individual who has made a highly significant contribution to the Department of the Army in the ASB chartered fields of science, technology, manufacturing, acquisition, logistics, and business management while serving in a voluntary advisory capacity as a member of or consultant to the ASB.

This award is named in honor of Dr. Joseph V. Braddock, who has served as an uncompensated volunteer Chair, member, and consultant of the ASB for over 33 years.

I remember well Joe Braddock, his leadership, and wisdom that he brought to the Board. He played an important part in mentoring me—giving me important advice throughout the study process. The Army Science Board has been a major highlight in my life.

When we work with some of best minds in the country and true experts, we all profit from our interactions with one another. Sharing a unique perspective on a myriad of topics, gathering insight into key fields—all interactions, both formal and informal—is where true friendships are formed.

Aristotle provided probably the first definition of success: 'one who was successful is he who made it a priority to serve something larger than one’s self’. Clearly, Aristotle’s definition applies to every Board member who is not only a standout in their respective fields, but who is also successful in serving something larger than their own self.

- Robert E. Douglas
  • 2024
    Robert E. Douglas, Ph.D.
  • 2020
    James A. Tegnelia, Ph.D.
  • 2019
    LTG (Ret) USA Jack W. Woodmansee, Jr.
  • 2018
    George T. Singley, III
  • 2017
    GEN (Ret) USA David M. Maddox
  • 2016
    Joseph V. Braddock, Ph.D.