Army Science Board Historic Reports
Unclassified ASB reports (Distro A) are available to the public and can be accessed by clicking on the title of the report.   
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January 2020 – Present


January 2010 – December 2019

2019 Reforming Talent Management  
2019 Army Futures Command  
2019 Battlefield Uses of Artificial Intelligence  
2019 Next Generation Anti-Armor Strategy  
2018 The Internet of Things (IOT): Creating "Smart" Installations  
2018 Independent Assessment of the Army’s Science and Technology Portfolio Realignment (IAASTPR)  AD1157850
2018 Multi Domain Operations (MDO)  
2018 Manned Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T)  AD1157576
2017 Multi-Domain Battle (MDB)  
2017 Character of Future Warfare  
2017 The Future of Telemetry  AD1058401
2017 Improving Transition of Laboratory Programs into Warfighting Capabilities Through Experimentation  
2017 Nuclear Survivability in Future Warfare: How to Effectively Assess Requirements AD1058402
2017 Five Priorities for the United States Army in the First Half of the 21st Century  
2016 The Military Benefits and Risks of the Internet of Things Brief  
2016 Army Efforts to Enhance Soldier and Team Performance  
2016 Robotic and Autonomous Systems-of-Systems Architecture  
2016 Disruptive Innovative Concepts for the Future Army AD1157081
2015 Army Science and Technology for Army Aviation 2025-2040  
2015 Human Interaction and Behavioral Enhancement  
2015 Strategies to Optimize Army Operating and Generating Forces for 2025 and Beyond Final Report  
2014 Talent Management and the Next Training Revolution  
2014 Decisive Army Strategic and Expeditionary Maneuver FINAL Report  
2013 Creating an Innovation Culture in the Army  ADB398107
2013 Army Science and Technology (S&T) Essential Core Competencies  ADB398109 
2013 Evaluation of the Army Use of Predictive Data AKA Predictive Analytics Study  ADB398108
2013 Planning For Climate Change: Actions For The Army To Better Adapt To The Effects Of Climate Change In 2030  
2012 Small Unit Data to Decision:  A Strategic Assessment to Improve the Effectiveness of Small Units Through More Timely & Accurate Decision Making  ADB391982
2012 The Strategic Direction for Army Science and Technology    
2011 Tactical Non-Cooperative Biometric Systems (Final Report) ADB396099
2010 Strengthening Sustainability and Resiliency For a Future Force  


January 2000 – December 2009

2009 Armed Ground Robotic Vehicles  ADB371655
2009 An Approach to Developing an Affordable LandWarNet for Future Forces  ADB363245
2009 Installations 2025  
2009 Platforms for Persistent Communications, Surveillance and Reconnaissance – II    

Quick Reaction Task Reporting for Survivability Brief (FOUO)

2008 Institutionalization of Innovation in the Army  ADB363181
2008 Suicide Mitigation Subcommittee Report (FOUO) AD1175203
2008 Army Generating Force Census Utilization Final Report  
2008 Platforms for Persistent Communications, Surveillance and Reconnaissance  
2007 Countering Asymmetric Threats (CAT) (FOUO) AD1175198
2007 CE-LCMC BRAC Study (FOUO) AD1175197
2006 Enhancements to the Modular Force Support Brigades ADB319584 

Science and Technology for the Future Force

2006 Army Business Transformation – Next Steps  
2005 Enhancements to the Modular Force and Supplement (The Panel Reports)  ADB318581; ADB319584; SURVIAC-SV-23715; Suppl: ADB319584
2005 Enhancing the Resource Posture of the Future Army  ADB316397
2004 Intra-Theater Logistics Distribution in the CENTCOM AOR  
2004 Critical Technologies and Capabilities for FCS in Urban Combat and Stabilization Operations  ADB347516
2004 Opportunities for Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and Devices on the Battlefield  WSTIAC-GC-050186; ADB310559; SURVIAC-SV19600 WSTIAC-GC050186

Army Aerial Support for the Objective Force 

2003 Advanced Antennas for the Future Army (ADHOC)  ADB312259; WSTIAC-GC050194
2003 Force Protection Technologies for the 2010-2020 Timeframe  
2001 Near-term Experimentation to Support FCS Decisions   
2001 Human Robot Interface Issues  
2001 Adapting Future Wireless Technologies  
2001 Manpower and Personnel for Soldier Systems in the Objective Force  
2001 Venture Capital  
2001 Knowledge Management  
2001 The Objective Force Soldier/Soldier Team Volume I; and Volume 2; and Volume 3  
2000 Army Science Board and Naval Research Advisory Committee Joint Countermine Technologies Study (From the Surf-Zone Inland) ADB296596; CBRNIAC-CB-191964
2000 Technical and Tactical Opportunities for Revolutionary Advances in Rapidly Deployable Joint Ground Forces in the 2015-2025 Era; Volume I, Executive Summary Report  
2000 Technical and Tactical Opportunities for Revolutionary Advances in Rapidly Deployable Joint Ground Forces in the 2015-2025 Era; Volume II, Operations Panel Report  
2000 Technical and Tactical Opportunities for Revolutionary Advances in Rapidly Deployable Joint Ground Forces in the 2015-2025 Era; Volume III, Information Dominance Panel Report  
2000 Technical and Tactical Opportunities for Revolutionary Advances in Rapidly Deployable Joint Ground Forces in the 2015-2025 Era; Volume IV, Support and Sustainment Panel Report  
2000 Technical and Tactical Opportunities for Revolutionary Advances in Rapidly Deployable Joint Ground Forces in the 2015-2025 Era; Volume V, Training Dominance Panel Report  


January 1990 – December 1999

1998 Enabling Rapid and Decisive Strategic Maneuver for the Army Beyond 2010  
1998 Prioritizing Army Space Needs  
1998 Concepts and Technologies for the Army Beyond 2010  
1998 Phase II Study on Hit-to-Kill Interceptor Lethality. Part B. Chemical and Biological Agent (CHEM/BIO) Passive Defense Lethality  ADB250356; CBRNIAC-CB-171932
1997 Battlefield Visualization  
1997 Human Behavior in Combat  
1997 Overcoming Barriers to the Implementation of Acquisition Reform  AD1095566
1997 Distance Learning  
1997 Independent Assessment, Phase 2 Study on Hit-to-Kill Interceptor Lethality Part A: Lethality  ADB233821
1996 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Existing Groundwater Treatment Systems in the U.S. Army  ADB240063
1996 Army Simulation Implementation and Use  ADB237457
1996 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Export control). ADB264394; ADB264489
1995 Tank Modernization  SURVIAC-SV-24363   ADB236040   
1995 The Transition of Technology from the Technology Base to the Customer  ADB225546
1995 Operational Architecture: An evaluation of TRADOC's Development of the C4I operational architecture  
1995 Army Family Housing (AKA: Management and Abatement of Lead-Based Paint at Army Sites)  
1995 TMD Lethality  
1995 The Science and Engineering Requirements for Military Officers and Civilian Personnel in the High Tech Army of Today and Tomorrow  ADB207554
1995 Independent Assessment of Hit-to-Kill Interceptor Lethality and Hit-to-Kill Interceptor Lethality  ADB216377  CBRNIAC-CB-100621
1995 Review of AFMRDA Directorates  HDIAC-2045338
1995 Ad Hoc Study on Space & Missile Defense Organization Final Brief  
1995 Consolidation of Outdoor Static Radar Cross Section (RCS) Test Facilities  
1994 Innovations in Artillery Force Structure  ADB204925
1994 Fire Suppression Alternatives for Armored Combat Vehicles  
1994 Technical Information Architecture for Army Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence  
1994 Review of Existing Toxicity Data and Human Estimates for Selected Chemical Agents and Recommended Human Toxicity Estimates Appropriate for Defending the Soldier  ADB198981; CBRNIAC-CB-027813
1994 Use of Technologies in Education and Training (and Supplement)  
1994 Preservation of Critical Elements of the Small Arms Industrial Base   ADB352899
1993 A System For Soliciting and Processing New Ideas/Concepts/Technologies  
1993 Moving Army Tactical Command and Control System (ATCCS) from a Character-Oriented Message System to a Data-Oriented Message System  
1993 Virtual Prototyping for the Army  
1993 A Strategy for Leveraging Commercial Telecommunications and Processing Technologies for Army C3 Systems  
1993 Innovative Acquisition Strategies for the 90s  
1993 Missile Defense Programs  ADB191712
1992 Space Systems and Future Army Operations  ADB199001
1992 Ground Water Modeling in the Army Environmental Restoration Programs  
1992 Technology for the Future Land Warrior  
1992 The Army Materiel Command Research, Development and Engineering Centers ADB216183
1992 Land Warfare Combat Identification  ADB174069  WSTIAC-GC950428
1991 Comanche International  ADB216184 
1991 Command and Control on the Move  ADB174088
1991 Initiatives to Improve the Participation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions (HBCU/MIs) in Army Research, Development and Acquisition Activities to Strengthen Their Infrastructure  
1991 Manufacture of Depleted Uranium Metal Using a Hydrogen-Plasma Torch  AD1175195
1991 Requirements for Predicting Outyear Resource Requirements for Maintaining, Repairing, and Operating Army Facilities  
1991 Logistics Support and Strategic Deployment during Operation Desert Shield/Storm  
1991 Army Acquisition Workforce and Science and Engineering - People, Programs, Policies and Practices  
1991 Liquid Propellant Advanced Field Artillery System  
1991 Tactical Space Systems "Lightweight Tactical Army Satellite Communication System (FOUO) AD1175463
1991 Soldier as a System  
1991 Army Simulation Strategy  
1991 C3I Issue Group On the Follow on Radio to SINCGARS  AD1175194
1991 ASB Independent Assessment of the U.S. Army Research Office  
1991 Reduction of Operation and Support Costs  ADB216049
1990 Electromagnetic/Electrothermal Gun Technology Development  
1990 Human Dimensions in Safety  
1990 U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) Laboratory Effectiveness Review (Lab Review)  
1990 Transverse Mounted Engine Propulsion Systems (TMEPS) Independent Assessment  
1990 The Use of Army Systems and Technologies in Counter Narcotics Efforts  ADB216078
1990 Stinger Reprogrammable Microprocessor (RMP) Ltr Report  AD1175193
1990 Harry Diamond Laboratories Eff. Rev. (Laboratory Review)  
1990 Total Quality Management  
1990 Tactical Explosive System (TEXS)  AD1175460
1990 Effectiveness Review - Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Dec 1990ACCS Part 1; and Part 2; and Part 3    


January 1980 – December 1989

1989 Ad Hoc Subgroup on Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management  ADB163910 
1989 Software in the Army  ADB175927 
1989 International Cooperation and Data Exchange to Enhance the Army's Technological Base  
1989 Threat of Aids on Operational Deployment of Army Forces to a Theater  
1989 Report on M9 Pistol Slide Failure  
1989 Close Combat (Heavy) Training Strategy for the 1990's  ADB134127
1989 Army Testing (Final Report)  
1988 The Army Community and Their Families  
1988 Army Analysis final brief  
1988 The Impact of Competition in Contracting on Research and Development  
1988 The Use of Army Combat Models for the Analysis and Training of Joint/Combined Operations  ADB120937
1988 Water Supply and Management on Army Installations in the Western United States   
1988 Technology Insertion in Army Systems ADB131379
1988 Focal Plane Arrays  ADB125079  WSTIAC-GC900801
1988 U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Effectiveness Review of  
1988 U.S. Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory, Review of  
1987 U.S. Army Human Engineering Lab, Independent Review of  
1987 Lightening the Force for 1987  
1987 The Environment, Real and Induced, an Army Force Cost Driver  ADB117101
1987 Engineer Topographic Laboratories Eff. Rev. (Laboratory Review)  
1987 Independent Review of U.S. CECOM & RDEC Center Effectiveness Review (Laboratory Review)  
1987 Army Biological Defense Research Program Final Report  ADB117238/ CBRNIAC-CB-000675
1987 Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI Laboratory Review)  
1987 Department of the Army Requirements and Lift Capability of Organic Helicopters for Logistics Operations During Combat in Europe  ADB117982
1987 Independent Review of US ARDEC AKA: Army Armament R&D Eng. Center (ARDEC)(Laboratory Review)  
1986 Information Management Concepts and Architecture  ADB117237 
1986 Technology Forecast for the Key Operational Capabilities  
1986 Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Requirements for Airland Battle  ADB110583
1986 Independent Review of Ballistic Research Lab. (BRL) Effectiveness Review (Laboratory Review)  
1985 Training and Training Technology - Applications for AirLand Battle and Future Concepts  ADB101040
1985 Manning Implications of Logistics Support for AirLand Battle  
1985 Nondevelopmental C(3)I Items  
1984 The U.S. Army's LHX (Light Helicopter Family) Program  
1984 Technology to Improve Logistics and Weapons Support for Army 21  ADB090667
1984 Leading and Manning Army 21  
1984 Processing Requirements Documents Study  
1984 Follow-on Report on Intelligent Robotics  ADB094929 
1984 Combat Medical Support  ADB087057; CBRNIAC-CB-005211 (need to contact IAC)
1984 Balanced Protection for the Individual Soldier  ADB086870
1984 Army Utilization of Space Assets  
1984 Aided Target Recognition (ATR)  
1984 The US Army's Decontamination Program  CBRNIAC-CB-005371; ADB082583; SURVIAC-SV-04188
1983 Acquiring Army Software  ADB085044
1983 The Future Development Goal  
1983 Army's Smoke and Obscurants Programs  ADB084465
1983 Emerging Human Technologies  
1982 Science and Engineering Personnel  
1982 Chemical Warfare & Biological Defense Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Program  ADC030778 
1982 Army Science Board Roland Ad Hoc Review Subgroup  ADC034563 & ADD524178
1982 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics  ADA122414 (Distr A); WSTIAC-GC830064 (Distr E)
1982 Manning Army Systems  
1982 The Challenge of Terrorism of the Military  
1982 Camouflage Systems Procurement, Selected Specs. of the  
1982 Armor/Anti-Armor  ADC029629
1981 Equipping the Army, 1990-2000 Volume 1, Exec Summary, Volume II  ADC026973 (Vol 2); ADC026511 (vol 1, exec summary)
1981 Testing of Electronic Systems  
1981 Equipping the Army 1990-2000 (follow-on)  ADC026511
1981 National Training Center (Interim and final report)  
1980 Vertical Lift Technology Review  
1980 Statistical Techniques in Army Test  
1980 High Technology Light Division  ADC023375
1980 Human Issues  
1980 High Frequency/Direction Finding  ADC023183
1980 Energy Needs of the Army  
1980 Army Science Board (ASB) Counter-C3 Working Group  ADC021012  ADD521114
1980 Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile (ATBM)   ADC022540


January 1970 – December 1979

1979 Technology Planning of Future Fielded Systems (FOUO) AD1174293
1979 Report of the SINCGARS Review Group  
1979 PGMT Precision Guided Munitions Technology  
1979 Nuclear Protection for the Soldier    
1979 Investigate Safety at Radford Ammo Plant  
1979 Military Operations in Built-Up Areas (MOBA)  
1978 U.S. Army Management of Electro-Optical Countermeasure. Hardening of Major and Non-Major Weapon Systems  ADC016707
1978 Tactical Battlefield Systems (Joint ASB/AFSAB Study) Part 1 and Part 2  
1978 Electronic Warfare and Intelligence  
1977 Training Technology  
1977 Smoke as an Optical Countermeasure  ADC010844
1977 Simulation Research Facility Request: NOE Day-Night Flight Study  
1977 Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)  
1977 Product Improvement II  
1976 Armament, Aviation, Electronic, Mobility & Soldier Vol I:Armament Systems Subgroup Report 1976 (classified); Vol 2: Aviation Systems Subgroup Report Distro A; Vol 3: Electronic Systems Subgroup Report (classified); Vol 4: Missile Systems Subgroup Report (classified); Vol 5: Mobility Systems Subgroup Distro A; Vol 6: Soldier Support Systems Subgroup  
1976 Smoke/Aerosols Program  ADB015602   
1976 Final Report of the Army Scientific Advisory Panel, Ad Hoc Group to Review the 1974 Summer Study Results  
1976 Pulsed Reactors  
1976 Particle Beams  ADC007718   
1976 Long Range Forecasting of Future Telecommunications Demands  
1976 Fire Safe Fuels  
1976 DARCOM'S Use of Reliability Growth Management Technique, Review of    
1976 Climatic Testing   
1976 Biological & Toxin Samples  
1976 Future Aviation Development Center  
1975 White Sands Missile Range Instrumentation (Report 1) and (Report 2)  
1975 Physical Security; Part 1. Intrusion Protection Systems for Arms Rooms and Light Arms Ammunition Storage Areas and Part 2   
1975 LORAN-D Manpack Program  
1975 Logistics Research and Development     
1975 Irradiated Food Program  
1975 Fire Suppression  
1975 Equipping the Individual Soldier & Small Unit in the 1980's  
1975 Environmental Quality Control  
1975 DRAGON Hit Probability  ADC005017
1975 Anti-Personnel Mine Sensor Feasibility  
1974 Utilization of Intelligence ADC005130   
1974 Product Improvement I  
1974 Foreign Technology  
1974 Energy Research and Development  
1973 Trace Gas Detection   
1973 Night/Reduced Visibility Capability for Army Helicopters  
1973 MASSTER  
1973 Improved HAWK  
1973 Hostile Artillery Locating Systems    
1973 Ground Combat Vehicle Mobility  
1973 Chemical Vaccines  
1972 Army Electronic Warfare Program FINAL REPORT ADC001622   
1972 Modern Volunteer Army  
1972 Army Utilization of Space Technology (FOUO) ADC060530             EA032292   
1971 Terminal Homing Programs, Army  
1971 Social Science Program  
1971 Employment of a Spin Stabilized Artillery Shell to Obtain Reconnaissance Imagery  
1970 Universal Engineer Tractor  
1970 Summer Study - Military Technology of the 1980 Decade  
1970 Mine Detection/Neutralization  AD0518674  


January 1960 – December 1969

1969 Nuclear Power Program, Army  
1969 Developmental Lead Time Part 1 and Part 2  
1969 Cheyenne (AH-56A) Computer  
1969 Ad Hoc Group on Army's Propulsion Program  
1968 Geophysical Phenomena, Military Aspects of (FOUO) AD1173847
1968 Nuclear Effects Research Center, Army  
1967 Tactical Air Defense, Army (not releasable to foreign countries) ADC080921   
1967 Review of Activities & Plans Engineer Topographic Lab (ETL)  AD1173841
1967 Army Psychological Operations  AD0385162   
1965 Target Acquisition  
1965 Tactical Automatic Data Processing Systems  
1965 Simon Report - Barrier Research// Final report of Ad Hoc Group Committee on Barrier Research  
1964 Report of the ASAP ad hoc group on tactical communications and supplemental report (FOUO) AD1173814
1963 White Sands Missile Range Modernization (FOUO) AD1173812
1960 Army Human Factors Engineering in R&D