Current Studies
Army Technology Adoption

“Technology Adoption” is examining the ways in which Army requirements, testing, and acquisition communities can support ongoing changes as operations exploit the advantages of emerging technologies. For the Army to take advantage of robots, automated target recognition, and other software-dependent technologies (which require continuous updating), the acquisition and sustainment become more like DEVOPS, with testing, experimentation, training, fielding, and Soldier feedback all in a rapidly refreshing cycle. (Sponsor: CG AFC)
Data-Centric Command and Control


“Data-Centric Command and Control (C2)” assessed the Army's strategies and obstacles associated with implementing a dynamic, data-centric command and control (C2) framework. The assessment focused on Army capabilities in a Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) environment. The objective was to ensure that the Army is properly aligning Science and Technology acquisition to support C2 Systems, meeting MDO mission command needs, and using ‘best practices’ across government, industry, and academia. (Sponsor: CG AFC)
Transformation of Intelligence Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED), Phase II


“Transformation of Intelligence Processing, Exploitation, Dissemination (PED)” is analyzing the Army PED requirements and resources, identifying gaps between the two, and determining how best to mitigate any shortfalls and assess risk. (Sponsors: Army DCS G2)
Training Opportunities Related to Nature-Based Solutions for Staff at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)


The Environmental Subcommittee will provide a summary of training and professional development opportunities relevant to different Communities of Practice within USACE that address aspects of NBS and hybrid approaches across different systems and applications. (Sponsor: CG USACE)
Recommendation for Evaluation to Streamline USACE Planning Model Approval and Review Process for use in Civil Works Water Resource Development Projects


The Environmental Subcommittee will provide recommendations on how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of USACE planning model review and certification process. (Sponsor: CG USACE)